Friday, May 23, 2008

A sunny day in Paxot II

Last night Gaspar spent the night in Santa Cruz so I picked him up this morning and we drove to Paxot II for our clinic. Juan met us there and so did Manuel's dad, Tomas. Paxot II is doing a lot of building and the area is looking good. Not to long ago they opened and celebrated with a special dedication their new kitchen and cooking area. Juan and Tomas are standing on the upper level of a remodeled area.
Below this area, I found Tomas working. I remember Tomas from July, 2005 during my second trip to Guatemala.
This photo was taken during the clinic in July 2005. This is Nancy with Tomas at that time.
That July trips seems like it was many, many years ago. So much has happened since then and I am very thankful for the opportunity to be here full-time.

Tomorrow we have clinic in Mactzul V and maybe Gaspar will have some patient too! :)

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