Monday, August 30, 2010

Congrats to Juan and Aura!!!

First, I want to say congratulations to Juan and Aura on the birth of their baby boy. I do not know a name yet and there is a good chance he does not have a name yet :) Kemmel and Lisa came to the clinic today with the news and I will post a photo when I have Juan's approval.

So, clinic went well with some interesting patients.

A mother brought a baby in that was covered below the waist with a terrible infection. She had gone to the local pharmacy and they had sold her some anti-fungal cream and now it was definitely infected.

Another baby was brought in and we are not sure if the baby has had any stools since he was born. I thought I had one story and when Lisa talked to the family it seemed different so we are not sure. The baby appears to be very healthy with no vomiting or distention and has gained a pound since last week. Hopefully, we will get an update soon.

It was a good clinic with 26 medical patients and 2 patients for dental cleanings.

Tomorrow, I will work at home and then on Wednesday we will go to Chuguexa................

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