Sunday, August 29, 2010

Weekend in Chichi

It has been a very quiet weekend in Chichi......very quiet. I had thought about going to the lake but decided to do laundry, clean and catch up. The real truth is that Lisa and Kemmel gave me several Law and Order DVDs and I have really enjoyed watching them. Popcorn, Law and Order with a little rain in the background.........what better way to spend your weekend??? Yeah!

I received a call last night from Sergio's dad saying that they were coming to Chichi today and asked where the Church of Christ met. I gave them directions and told him that I would wait outside for them. I was so excited to see the family of Sergio and Marvin. I pray that they will return.

It was a good weekend.........popcorn, Law and Order and a little rain in the background...........

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