Friday, October 16, 2009

Promoter Class

Tuesday was our monthly class for the health promotors. The last count I had was 21 so it was a good class. Lisa taught the class and the first session was on vaccinations. She divided the class in three groups and each group prepared a flip chart with information and presented it to the class.

This process is the CHE format and is very effective. It encourages class participation, keeps students active and helps the students remember the information because often, they are preparing and presenting.

The second session was on proper hand washing. First, Lisa had everyone use sidewalk chalk to get their hands dirty.

Juan and Gaspar especially enjoyed this. They said that there are many different types of germs so they used several different colors of chalk.

She then had each group wash their hands. The first group used only a water, no soap.

The second group used only water and the third group used water and soap.
She talked about the effectiveness in each technique.

Notice below. There are six men and they all used 2 basins to wash their hands.

One of the students was very astute and brought to our attention that we were using a poor technique when washing our hand since we all used the same basin of water. Lisa was very proud of her student for recognizing this. It is a common practice in the communities so it gave her an opportunity for discussion. We will see if practice changes.

Education and change in practice takes time and is the same in every country.

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