Friday, May 11, 2012

Diabetic Class II in Lemoa

Today, Mauri and I did the class in Lemoa.  About 20 minutes after the class was suppose to start, Mauri reminded me that today there were celebrations for Mother's Day so we might not have any students.  About 0930, six patients arrived and we were ready to start class!

I am very thankful that some ladies arrived.  For me, this is the most exciting class in the series.  We talk about each of the food groups and this helps explain the teaching sheet that we use in the clinics.  When there are a lot of patients waiting to be seen, sometimes it is difficult to answer all of the questions and be sure that the patient really understands. 

So, we ate a few peanuts when we talked about protein.  We used photos to design a good day for a diabetic and then I had a few volunteers tell us what they had to eat the day before.  I always wonder if one patient will laugh or ridicule another patient's diet but that has never happened.  They are always respectful of each other and I appreciate it.  We can always learn from each other.  

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