Monday, May 7, 2012

ASELSI Clinic in Mactzul I School

This morning I worked with another clinic that is near my house. The name of the clinic in ASELSI and you may have read about it in previous blogs.  ASELSI has a milk program so we work together with the babies that need surgery for their cleft lip or palate.

They have a large group here for a few days and Cathy asked if I would be free to help out.  Sure!!  We went to the school in Mactzul I and set up clinic.  There were three of us seeing patients.  We saw a total of 60 patients for the day.

I worked with Julie, who is a P.A. and lives in Tennessee. Julie is with Tomasa, who translated into K'iche' for us.  Tomasa was a big help!

This is Carol, who is a nurse.  She was working in the pharmacy area.

These two ladies are also from Tennessee.  They packaged the medicines before Carol gave them to the patients.

This is a visitor from Tennessee with Cathy and Colleen.  Cathy is a Nurse Practitioner and Colleen organizes the group and their activities.

I did know one of the patients that came to the clinic and it was very sad for me.  It is a young girl that we use to see on a regular basis that has seizures.  Her seizures were controlled but her mother has not brought her to the clinic for four months.  She has stopped giving her daughter the medicine and has started giving her, "natural medicine."  She said that now she is having bad seizures.  On our way back to Chichi, Cathy stopped by ASELSI to get the medicine that the young girl needs. Maybe we can get her controlled again and her mother will see the need for follow-up.

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