Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rain and devestation

The rain stopped this afternoon for about 2 hours and the sun came out! I was so excited. I went outside and talked to Tomasita for a few minutes as she was working with her flowers. I went up to Chichi for worship in the afternoon and just returned.

There have been over 38 deaths so far due to the heavy rain and mudslides. I talked to Marie at the coast this evening and they are fine. They arrived to the clinic with having to take some detours but all is well.

I appreciate all of the emails I have received asking if we are ok. Yes, we are ok and we really appreciate your thoughts and prayers. From the information on the hurricane center, we still may have a few more days of the heavy rain.

This is a photo after one of the major mudslides. It is the main highway from Guatemala City to the highlands.......near Tecpan.

A bus was hit by the mudslide. Every report gives different numbers of deaths and injuries.

Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers. I will keep you posted.

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