Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Clinic in Mactzul I

Today, I drove through Chichi to pick up Maury, Martina, Gaspar and Juan and we drove to Mactzul I. I was excited because there were patients waiting for us.

Juan welcomed the patients and we began the day as always, praying with the patients. We saw 8 medical patients, 18 dental patients and 3 patients for dental cleaning.

This mother brought her baby for a wellness check and everything was fine.....gracias a Dios.

One mother brought her family since every one had a rash. I asked her if anyone else in the house had it and she told me that her daughter's hand was really bad. I asked her to return with her daughter.

Later in the afternoon, the mother returned with her daughter and her hand was full of infection. I cleaned the hand and then lanced the wound. I removed as much of the infection that I could. I gave her some cream to use and also an antibiotic.

The afternoon rains have begun again...............we will see what happens tomorrow.

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