Saturday, May 29, 2010

Xbe Jeb'..........Nim Jeb'.......It is raining......It is raining hard!!

When I came out of my room this morning, the rains were continuing to fall hard as they have all night long. It has been raining since Tuesday when we came back from Xepol. No one was up yet and that is unusual. I went back to my room to get things organized. I will return to Chichi today for the weekend and come back on Tuesday after clinic

Martina was in the kitchen about 0715 and starting to make breakfast. She told me that Gaspar had not gone to Quiche because of the rains. The travel would be difficult nor would there be many people in the market. He has not been able to work in the fields as he usually does so I know he is concerned about the loss of work and also the crops.

When it was time to leave, Angelica told me that she wanted to come with me. I told her that one day I would take her to Chichi. I told Martina that I could make it to the road alone and did not want everyone getting wet. I could tell that she was not sure about it but I assured her I was ok. It was just raining too hard!

Juan and his wife met me with the truck. I offered to take them back home but he said they needed to buy some things at the store and that they would be ok.

When I arrived back to Chichi, it looked like a flooded ghost town! There were very few people in the streets and many stores were closed. I had some photos printed, stopped to get a few things and then I went to park the truck.

I talked to Kemmel and he said there had been 9 inches of rain. I read that the rain is due to tropical storm Agatha.

Since I have been here in Guatemala, I am out of touch with many things. I am not aware of many political activities, I do not know the latest movies, I do not know the top songs anymore, I am not aware of the latest fashions, when many holidays are, I do not know the unemployment rate............I am just out of touch! Being in Paxot for just a few days, I feel even more out of internet can really change things. It made me think of Tomasita when I told her that Elvis had died and she did not know it.

It is time to get caught up on things and then back to Paxot!

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