Saturday, May 8, 2010

Can you see I am not interested??

Wow, what a story! Last night, Juan called me about 8:30 pm and told me that he had some good news. You may remember from Thursday morning that we heard that Perdro's son was killed in an accident. Well, Pedro found out yesterday that his son was not killed! I do not totally understand the story but for Pedro and his wife, I am extremely happy. I later talked to Gaspar about it and he said the same thing. He does not understand all of the events but he is happy too.

Update on the trees acting as speed bumps near Lake Lemoa......................they are gone!
The signs and all evidence of the trees are gone! I am sure some angry bus driver or his ayudante removed them. I will keep you posted!

Today in Chuchipaca, we had 22 patients.

Several of the patients were diabetics so I used our diet sheet some more. Until today, every patient has showed interest in it and has asked questions........that changed today. I could not get one lady to have any interest in it. She was folding it up before Juan and I had finished going over it and she was tucking in into her blanket of things. It was very obvious that she was not interested nor wanted to waste her time with improving her diet. Oh well...........................

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