Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Holiday, holiday...........always a holiday!!

Manuel and Juan picked me up on their way to get Josefina and Tomas. We made our way to Zacualpa for clinic. We knew that it was a holiday so we probably would not have many patients................but we had to go and see for sure :) If we cancelled clinics on days that had fairs, baptisms, weddings or deaths.........we would almost never leave the house :)

Juan hung out of the truck and got this photo for me. Great shot, Juan!! Welcome to Zacualpa..............Welcome to the fair

We unloaded everything from the truck and carried it in. The building that we have clinic in is large and is in a great location. This photo is taken from the deck. Can you see the Ferris Wheels?? There are two of them. I asked the guys several times if they wanted to go and ride them with me and none of them were interested.

We had a total of seven patients. After all of the patients were seen, we sat and talked for about another hour or maybe two hours and then decided it was time for lunch. The guys were nice and offered to go and buy it for us. One thing about a fair is, there is always a lot of food!! We enjoyed fried chicken, french fries and diet coke.

Josefina and her new friends.

OK............another adventure.........................

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