Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Clinic in Mactzul VI

Today, we had clinic with dental in Mactzul VI. Yesterday, Juan and one of the men from Mactzul VI took the truck and announced the clinic in the community. I was hoping for a bigger turn out but if we helped one person, especially spiritually, then we did our job.

I picked up Martina at 0730 this morning and we drove to clinic together. The road was still closed so we had to take the long way around. We had a lot of time to talk about stuff and it was good.

This is a photo of Martina. The ones I have of her are days that she is working so I hope that she does not mind a "stole" a photo from her Face Book.

She told me today that she only has one more exam and she will what grade?? She will then be in the 6th grade! I am very excited for her! She is 25 years old and has returned to school and has the hopes of being a dentist.

She told me about her class, which has 40 students. They range in the ages from 19 to 42 years of age. She enjoys all of her classes and told me that she usually does not have to study a lot.

I am proud of her and I think she can complete her dream!

We had 9 medical patients today and 7 dental patients. When we finished clinic, we heard the road had reopened so we would be take the normal route back to Chichi.

Tomorrow, we will have clinic in Lemoa. I think it will be a good most of them are!

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