Tuesday, May 31, 2011

ABC Clinic in Xepocol

We all ended up at Xepocol this morning for the ABC Clinic and as you know, I love to see patients waiting for us as we enter. We had a busy day, so I was only able to get a couple of photos.

This is Martina, Haleigh, Ruben, Meredith, Amber and Abbey before the clinic started.

We saw 28 ABC patients, 27 non-ABC patients and 10 dental patients.

Haleigh and Ruben talk to a patient with the help of a K'iche' translator.

As always, the lunch was wonderful. We had fried chicken, salad, rice and tortillas.

After lunch, we saw a few more patients.

Marcos brought be a Diet Coke that he found in Honduras........ it is in a glass bottle. Someone asked me if I was going to drink it and I said, "No! This is too special to drink!"

Tomorrow is another day, another adventure but only in a different place. I will let you know what happens :)

1 comment:

Mom said...

How special Sheri!!!! Great picture too!!!!