Saturday, June 5, 2010

There went another week

The night passed uneventful. Gaspar called my name at 0530 to say good-bye. He was headed to Quiche to work in the market.

I just laid there for awhile as thankful as I could be. I thought of the song,"Great is Thy Faithfulness. Last night I had listened to James on my MP3. I like the scripture..........

James 1:17-----Every good and perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow or turning.

As I had mentioned on a previous blog, God is in control. He spoke the world into existence. He ALWAYS has been and will ALWAYS be. There is no beginning nor is there an end. His faithfulness is the same as He does not change.

Unlike God, man waivers and has trouble with being faithful. Even for short periods of time, man has difficulty.

God's faithfulness reaches farther than this world and the problems in this world. There always has been problems and they will continue..............but He is faithful and is preparing for us a home.

Today in Chuchipaca we had 17 patients.

Garret and Kate went with Juan, Gaspar and I. We had some trouble in the road but eventually arrived.

Garrett and Kate did all of the vital signs and finger sticks and sat in on consults. They prayed with each patient after the consult and then went with the patient to get the medicine.

Garrett praying with a patient...................

Kate praying with a patient.............

After clinic, we did a few errands and then I went home.

It is time to shift gears and prepare for Montellano. I will leave Monday morning and help out in clinic until Thursday.

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