Wednesday, June 18, 2008

ABC Clinic in Mactzul VI

We had another exciting day of an ABC Clinic and what made this even more special it was the first held in Mactzul VI. We had another 100% participation with 33 students! Dr. Stan and I saw patients in different areas while the 3 MET students collected information and then began the consult. Things went very smoothly and everyone was seen.

We found out about a boy who had received his vaccinations and then was unable to walk. We offered to go and visit him in his house but his mother said he was not at home. I will offer again in the future to visit him. To me these opportunites are very special and appreciated by the families.

Donna sang and colored with the children after their consult. This child was eager to show off his coloring.
Gaspar offers his assistance......or maybe he wishes he had a book :)
These two little boys had a consult.......
These MET students were with us today.....Taylor, Kelsey and Colin. They did a great job getting the patients ready and starting the consult. Please check yesterdays blog for clips of Kelsey and Colin playing with the children.

Tomorrow we have clinic in Caris..........another day of adventure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope Taylor is feeling well - he looks good in the picture!
Love Mom