Monday, November 5, 2007

Update on Medical Mobile Clinics

In the three days of clinic we served eight communities. We held clinics in Lemoa, Mactzul II, La Palma, Choacoaman IV, La Estancia, Paxot II, Mactzul V and Chuchipaca II. I do not have the totals yet of how many patients were seen but we pray that the patients and families were blessed and are feeling better. As always, people returned to the States feeling that they were blessed more than the patients.

First Photo: Children drawing in Mactzul II. It does not take much to entertain a group of children.
Second Photo: Children coloring in Choacoman IV. After lunch these children always return and thank everyone, individually for the meal. If they have not learned your name yet, there will be a delay and then they will call you brother or sister.
Third Photo: Mother and baby in Mactzul V.
Fourth Photo: A boy who had just visited the dentist.
Fifth Photo: The sunset driving home from Mactzul V.

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