Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cold, shaking clinic in Chuguexa

We had a good day in Chuguaxa but it was another cold day. Through parts of the day we could see the sun trying to break through the mist of clouds. Between patients, when we saw a little sun, we would sit outside near the corrugated tin roof and it was warmer there.

The first photo is of Tomas, Gaspar and Juan.

In the second photo we had some new patients. Originally, the mother had brought her son who is standing in front of Juan. She later came back with her two daughters. Their brother gave them a play-by-play report on how I would listen to them with my stethoscope. He was so excited he could not sit still on the bench and finally the mom had him wait outside so she would be able to answer my questions. I wish all patients had his enthusiasm!

The shaking news of the day was we had another earthquake during clinic. This "temblor" registered 5.3 on the scale. Gaspar was sitting next to me on a bench and I just thought he was bouncing his leg.......when I looked at him for a response to my question, he quietly asked if I felt it. I nodded and we continued to sit every calmly with our patient. I could tell by her eyes she was very nervous. It lasted 20-25 seconds, during which no one spoke or moved. When it had finished, we whispered a quiet "thank you" and then continued with our patient.

We saw 14 patients today and then headed home when we were told there were no others to be seen.

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