Monday, April 20, 2015

Clinic in Chuicaca

We started a clinic a few months ago in Chuicaca.  It has been slow in getting going but good things have happened!

Last month, the minister from the Church of God, asked us if we would see 22-23 children from the public school.  He told us what great need there is and that he would pay for all of the consults.  We welcomed his idea and looked forward to our clinic day.

As we were wating to get the key to open the building, here come the students and teachers!
We had 23 students come to the clinic.

I also talked to the teachers about doing an IVAA/ Pap class in the school.  They were really excited about it and will call me if we can schedule it.  All of the mothers and teachers would be invited.  How exciting is that??

This is Cecy checking in some students.

There is definately a great need in this community.  Only one child told me he has a toothbrush.  I asked the teachers about that and they told me that it is probably true. After today, the promoters talked about what a blessing our ABC Program is to children and the community. Hygiene is a problem here and we need to do a lot of education.

Maria, our dental assistant taking a little girl's temperature.

Sandra had an opportunity to talk with some families.  She is also wanting to do some dental education.

There were two students with heart murmurs.  I will follow-up with them and their parents at the next clinic.

Manuel distributing medicine to a lady that we also saw in March.  It is nice when patients and happy with their care and return the next month.

I think that good things will be happening in Chuicca!


Mom said...

Sheri, this is ALL very exciting!!!!

Kemmel and Lisa Dunham said...

Great work, Sheri-Lou!