Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday in Quiche

This morning I went to Quiche for worship service. As we passed a certain place in the road, they were looking for some people over the cliff.  There were fireman and policemen, throwing ropes and cables.  Later I heard that last night a motorcycle went over the cliff. Always something sad happening.

I had avoided Quiche during the last week during their festivals and parties.  Too many people for me and at times, not a safe place to be.

This morning, I did walk up to the Catholic Church.  As you can see, people were crowded around watching some entertainment.  There were some dancers and people playing music.

This guy was grinding ice and adding flavors to it.  Many, many wasps and bees sat on his syrup bottle until he moved it. After he finished with it, they would settle back down on it.

Anyone need a watch? What color would you like??

This guy was selling some things that move with the breeze.

I saw Ruben this morning.  He has returned from El Salvador, where he went to get his VISA renewed.

I had lunch in Quiche and then had an ice cream cone of rainbow sherbert.  It was really good. I returned to Chichi, without any problem.

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