Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sex Ed classes addressed

Today, may be a day that will be recorded in Health Talent History.  Several months ago, it was mentioned that there was a need for some sex education in the congregations of the ABC Program and possibly in other congregations, as well.  In the past, this has been a topic that has not been addressed for a few reasons.  Primarily, it is just not something that people feel comfortable discussing.

Lisa has been very busy preparing materials that are age specific. Three age groups would receive the classes.  The parents will have the opportunity to hear the material first and then the classes will be given for the boys and girls, at separate times.

We have recently added on to our Lemoa Clinic but it continues to "grow smaller."  We may have more room for clinical work but for classes and educational situations, we just need more space.  We had 34 people in attendance today.  We filled the whole side of the clinic and we were thankful that there was no rain.

Before class started.

Josue led us in a few songs.  Just a side-bar for Josue....................he called us tonight to let us know that he passed his entrance exam for medical school!  We are so excited for him!  We will see what his next step will be.  We know that he will do well and wish him the best.

Lisa began the class with discussing why there is a need for education.  She asked how many in the class had ever been talked to by their parents about sex or had been prepared for how their body would change as they got older.  There were only about three people who had parents that talked to them.  A few people agreed there was a need for this education.

Some people offered some suggestions but the majority really supported this idea.  We will see how things roll forward.

Recently, we were gifted a generator for the clinic in Lemoa so we could continue with clinic if we did not have any electricity.  Here, Tomas fires-up the generator.

It was a good day.  We all were a little nervous about how the class would be received but it went well.  A good day....................

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