Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just stuff..................

Today, I went to help Josefina with her clinic. It was a very small clinic because of the activities that are happening in Santa Cruz this week. When we finished, I had lunch with Josefina and her parents. It had been awhile since I had been there and it was nice. Her mom is a good cook and I enjoy spending time with them.

I then went to visit a friend but she was not at home. I called Lisa to see if she was doing ok and she only had 2 more patients to go.

I jumped on a van with a few people and then we had to wait for others before we could go. Then several ladies and children jumped on that knew me. They live in Mactzul I where we do clinics. The children started whispering my name and then the mothers realized why. It seems odd to be recognized here but it is good. People are very warm and welcoming.

For those of you who have visited the Chichi area, you may remember the gentleman that use to wear an orange safety vest and direct traffic near the arch. He would write down license plate numbers and blow his whistle. Anyway, he died this week. Josefina told me about it after she saw it in the news. I had noticed how thin and ill he looked a few months ago.

With all of the activities last week, I forgot to share with you some exciting news. Gloria, one of our babies had her cleft lip repaired last week in Montellano. Kemmel received word that her mom was baptized. I will post photos of Gloria when I get them. That is so exciting.

I was talking to Josefina's parents about it at lunch today. I do not know the circumstances or her mother very well but there is a good chance that in the past she was not interested in the Bible or being a Christian. Once she came to the clinic, we offered her physical hope for her child that needed surgery. Maybe when she visited Montellano and saw the spiritual hope that the Christians have there, she was interested. If any of you know more of what took place, please let me know.

Also, for those of you who have been to La Palma, you may know Agostin. His parents were also baptized last week. I was very excited to her this also.

I went for a walk in the neighboorhood tonight. When I arived back at the house, Tomasita was also returning. We stood outside talking for a few minutes and I felt something jerk on my pants. Tomasita started laughing because she knew what it was. It was Nako , the dog, reaching under the door and pulling on the pants.

No more exciting news for now.........I just wanted to catch you up on a few things...........................

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