Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fran meets Mactzul III

Fran, Gaspar, Juan and I went to Mactzul III for clinic today. We had a small clinic of 6 medical patients and 3 dental cleanings for Gaspar.

For those who have been in Mactzul III before you will remember Sabastiana, who is below with Fran. Her skin is clearing up well and she feels much better. She no longer has any drainage and she said very little itching.

These two little girls were playing and Gaspar grabbed my camera........and then the little girls lost their smiles......oh well.......

Here they were trying to help Juan stay organized.

One young lady came today just wanting more medicine. She chatteed for awhile and I asked her if there was anything else that she needed or wanted to talk about........that led to another issue.......and then another isue......and then Fran leaned to me and said, "If she stays here much longer, we will be taking her to ICU!"

We had one lady today that was very sad. Her husband and her son have both died and she is very lonely. We talked to her about her relationship with God and that only He can take her sadness away. Life is full of difficult circumstances, no matter the country in which we live. In the US we may be concerned with our economics or the political struggles. Here in Guatemala, the concern may be not enough or too much rain for the corn........or how we are going to feed the children through the week. No matter our concern, we need faith that God can handle any circumstance and that He will provide.

Tomorrow we will have clinic in Lemoa with Josefina and her group. I plan on taking photos to Santos in the hospital during visitation and I hope that he likes them.

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