Thursday, April 2, 2009

Clinic in Lemoa

Yesterday we were in Lemoa but did not have many patients. I did have the opportunity to go and get the lady that I use to live near for a consult with Lisa. She has been having dizzy spells and falling.

I drove to Santa Cruz to get her. She was in a bus accident many years ago with her mother and they were both were injured very badly. She is very afraid to be in vehicles now. When I pulled up to get her, she stood on the curb praying. Her eyes were filled with tears.......then we got in the truck and I drove as careful as I could.

Lisa heard a murmur on her and also did an EKG which was better than we expected.

Lisa also diagnosed her with Sjogrens syndrome so that was my topic to research. Lisa, if you are reading is an autoimmune disease......and I hate those. Our little lady's symptoms were dry eyes, dry mucus membranes and it also can affect the vision. It can also cause rheumatoid -like arthritis which she definitely has. We have a visiting physician later in April and we are hoping he can help her. We will see what happens with her new medicines and her next visit.

I am headed to Antigua tomorrow and then will fly home on Saturday morning. It will be a fast week but a good one.