Thursday, March 26, 2009

Clinic in Chuisiquel

It was an early day for all of us........especially Manuel and Tomas who drove to pick us up this morning. We left Chichi at 0530 and left Santa Cruz at 0600. Our travel time was quicker than in January since we did not have to ask directions or back track some of the roads.

This is Emily and Brittany before we started the clinic. The view was not as clear as it was last time but it is still pretty and very peaceful. We began with a short devotional led by Fransisco, Anastacia and Tomas that went with us.

Fransisco translated K'iche' for me while Anastacia and Tomas prayed with the patients and shared scriptures with them.

I want you to meet two friends that Josefina made today........Maria and Maria.

We had 23 patients today and it was a good clinic.

After we had seen all of the patients, they wanted us to visit a nearby spring. The owner of the land paid Q205 about 25 years ago for several acres. Someone is wanting to buy the land from him now and is offing him Q250,00. He says that he will not sell. He says the spring provides sufficient water to five homes who are Christians. The two black lines on the right side of the photo are hoses that carry the water to these houses and are held down by the rock..........amazing. The owner of the land wanted us to thank God providing this area with water.....something that they realize is a great blessing. A prayer of thanksgiving was offered.

You have heard my stories about mounting the P.A. system on the trucks and wiring them to the car battery to announce our clinics. Today, a car battery provided power to the P.A. system in the church building or the house of prayer.

We arrived back in Santa Cruz about 5pm and it was a good day. Tomorrow Emily and Brittany will return to Antigua with Lisa and Kemmel and then return to The States on Saturday. We enjoyed having them with us for what seemed to be a very fast week. We wish them the best in their studies and hope they will return to visit again.

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