Thursday, July 24, 2008

Clinic in Lemoa

Today we had clinic in Lemoa and it was a good day. We had 15 medical patients and 12 dental patients.

Irma, a young girl that needs her palate repaired returned today with her lab work. Everything looked very good and there is room for her in the August clinic. She will have the opportunity to have her palate repaired in August. She is a shy girl and did not want her picture taken so I quickly put down the camera but I think in time she will allow me to take her photo.

This little girl was quite the opposite. Her mother was even laughing at how her daughter was smiling for the camera and posing.

We have rain every afternoon and sometimes all night. I wish I could bottle some of it up and send it to areas as North Carolina and other places that are so dry.

I am preparing to go home on Sunday and I am looking forward to visiting with my family, friends and my sponsoring congregation, South Fork Church of Christ. Unfortunately, I will not have the time to visit my parents congregation, Morganton Church of Christ but I will do that in December.

Tomorrow, Juan and I are headed to Choacaman IV. Gaspar has a of celebration for the completion of a project he has been working on. I hope that he enjoys his day. I am sure Juan and I will have a good clinic.

Thanks for checking in..........and I will keep you posted!

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