Sunday, October 21, 2007

Quiet Sunday in Santa Cruz

This morning we had our English class with eleven students. It is encouraging that this many are interested in continuing to study. After class I gave six of them a ride to Quiche with me and this gave us more time to practice English.

I spent the afternoon getting my hair cut, finding a small axe and just walking around the park. There was an increase in political activity so I did not stay in the park very is just better to stay safe.

I worshiped tonight with Josefina's family and as usual that was very nice. I returned home and built a fire since it is cold tonight.

It seems quiet since South Fork left yesterday. I really enjoyed having them here.

Tomorrow we will have clinic in Clinica Caris and I hope we have several patients.
Take care and thank you for your continual thoughts and prayers! They are so important to me.

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