Friday, September 7, 2012

Ladies class in Mactzul VI

This afternoon I used the Suk and traveled to Mactzul VI, to continue the ladies Bible study.  We are studying Proverbs 31 and I was hoping to complete the chapter today........but it did not happen.

I was greeted by Ana Marie, who translates for me, with a bag of apples. It was a huge bag!  More than enough for me, Lisa and Kemmel.

The class went well.  The ladies seem more comfortable reading the verses as we go along.  At first, it was very difficult to get anyone to read but they are doing better!

There were two highlights of the class..........Ana Marie asked if we could break into small groups to discuss questions!  When Sarah and Isabel were here, they taught the class this technique. It is good to see a different thought process, from being in a class. They are wanting to put into practice what they learned! So, in October, we will finish the chapter and then divide into groups.

When it was time to finish, we were talking about wisdom.  So, I asked the ladies what the Bible teaches about wisdom.  What do we need to do, if we want more wisdom?  I started to tell them that this was their homework for the next class.  Before I could finish, they started quoting the scripture to me!

This is one of the photos that I use for this lesson.  The older lady seems to have many characteristics of the lady in Proverbs 31.

There were about 50 ladies in the class and I look forward to returning in October.

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