Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday with Harding PA Students

One of the guys that we are working with this week, Manuel, offered to take us through the Catholic Church on Sunday. It is the one that is photographed the most in Chichicastenango. It was very interesting and then he offered to walk us up to Pascual Abaj.

The Harding group as we continued the hike to the top of Pascual Abaj.

The view was very pretty. This is the view of the Chichicastenango cemetery as we were continuing the climb.

When we reached the top, there was a family there offering a sacrifice. Many people still offer chickens here and other types of sacrifices as they pray to the Mayan gods.

Manuel has known this family for many years. He asked if it was ok that we stayed and watched and they did not mind at all. Their time here was to ask for special protection over a new store that they were opening. They prayed for many customers and for protection over their store. Their sacrifice consisted of things as sugar, cookies, eggs and pasta.

On the walk back down the mountain, we stopped in a mask store that had a San Simon or Maximon. He is a religious Mayan saint that many people continue to pray to. People place before him alcohol, tobacco and money in hopes that they will receive blessings and favor.

When I climbed the volcano near Xela a few years ago, they were having a ceremony with San Simon and it was a very eerie situation. Everyone was very emotional, pouring alcohol over him, kissing him, and blessing their children with the staff that is in his right hand.

This evening we met with the local Church of Christ for worship. How much more comfortable it was to be with other Christians and to know we are worshiping the only God. Pagan worship is sad. It offers no hope or salvation.

Tomorrow, we will have two clinics, hopefully see a lot of patients and also deliver water filters. Please pray that we have safe travels.

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