Saturday, March 12, 2011

Harding PA students meet Chuchipaca

This morning we met for breakfast before we headed out to Chuchipaca.

It is normally about a 45 minute ride but it turned out to be a little farther and a little longer than usual. Half way there, I got a call saying the road was blocked in an area that they are laying some pipe. Therefore, we would have to drive around. No problem. We can handle that. When we arrived to the area, there was a truck blocking the road. We turned off the trucks and waited. Once the truck finally cleared the road, they laid down planks for us to drive over. It was an adventure and some of the students made videos of it.

We quickly set up the clinic and began seeing the patients. This is the Harding Group, Josefina and some children that also wanted in on the photo action.

We saw 30 medical patients, 30 dental patients, 2 patients for dental cleaning and finished the day making a home visit on the drive back to Chichi.

This little girl was staying warm with her fashion hat.

The students would start with a patient by obtaining their blood pressure, temperature and weight. They would participate during the consult, pray with the patient and then go to the pharmacy with them. This allowed them to see the whole process of each patient. This also kept the patients moving.

These students are waiting to get their patients into consult.

The most interesting patient we saw today was a patient with some type of neurological disorder. He passes out for 8-9 hours at a time and he does not remember anything. He walks from Chuchipaca to Chichi without remembering the travel. People from the community validated his activities. He has 11 children and he is very worried about them and his wife. We talked about how dangerous this is and what would happen if he passed out into a fire or got hit by a bus as he is walking on the road.

I was very thankful that he realized how serious his situation is. He has these episodes about every 15 days. He said that he will go to the National Hospital in Solola on Tuesday for a consult. Please pray for Jose that he will get the help and treatment that he needs.

The students will enjoy the day in the market tomorrow morning. We will have lunch at the hotel and then join the church in Chichi for worship.

Kemmel and Lisa will return tomorrow with the group from Abilene University. We will have two groups for the week and be doing 2-4 clinics each day and also delivering water filters. Please pray for safe travels and that the patients will do well this week.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I love Chuchipaca! :)