Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pap day and post-op visit in Lemoa

Today, Lisa and I went to Lemoa with the guys.

We had a wide variety of patients so it went rather quickly. We had a lady with high blood pressure that needed an EKG, a couple of pap patients, one young lady with an in-grown toe nail, an endometrial biopsy and the babies came back for their last post-surgical visit. As I said, a wide range of patient needs. It seems after each clinic, I have a list of things I want to go home and study more about. Today was the much to learn.

This is Sergio and his parents. He is doing great. His lip and palate look good.

This was Sergio before his surgeries. What a change for him and his family.

This Marvin Wilfredo and his mom.

I do not have photos of Marvin before his lip was done since his first surgery was in Xela but he is really lookin' good!

I do not know why Bartolo and Abner did not visit us today. Hopefully, they will visit another day.

You may remember Juan Martin. This child cried non-stop for four days one more cry-photo! His father says he is fine at home. I try not to take it too personally.

So, it was a good day.....................and now we have a few days to rest.................

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