Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday in Chichi

This morning about 0730, I was awakened when the bed rocked................I do not even think I opened my eyes or lifted my head off of the pillow. I knew what it was and later found out it registered 5.6 on the Richter Scale.

About 0830, Joe called me and told me he had hurt his foot last night and thought he had broken a toe. I told him that we could get some good medicine in the pharmacy and that I would come to their hotel.

I found Jane and Joe in good spirits even though they were missing their day in the market. We propped Joe up on pillows with his computer Jane and I made our way through the market. Jane told me about their morning. They had gone for breakfast and while they were eating, Joe said, "Jane, I think the building is moving." Jane replied, "Joe, I think that they call this an earthquake!" I knew that my mother would be jealous since they had experienced one before she has :)

Joe thought he would do better if he had a cane so Jane and I went to find one, with only having about 40 minutes before the shuttle arrived. We heard that we could fine one in the park. We made it to the park but did not find any but I did find a little man that was very willing to help us for a few quetzales.

He wound us though the streets asking as we went. I could tell that he was really on a hunt for his few quetzales and he was working hard for them! He led us to a store that had a couple to select from and I loved them!

Joe was just as excited as Jane and I were!

I connected them with Victor, who took them to Xela. They will be there for two weeks, living with a family and studying Spanish.


Mom said...

I am sooooooo jealous!!!! This was Joe's first trip and He gets to feel an earth quake!! I have been there 4 or 5 times and have not felt a quiver!!!!! It's just not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heather said...

I am so glad to see you are having such a great time and helping so many people!!! I love you both! Be safe and when you see Ashley... give her a huge hug from me!