Saturday, April 24, 2010

Celebation in the pool

Many children from the Mactzul, Paxot and Xepocol areas had a great time in the water today. Fran, Rebekah, Seth and I left Antigua looking for the pools. I knew that when I found it, I would know it. A bus gave me a different direction than I thought but I went anyway and when I saw it, I said, "This is NOT it!!"

Anyway, we found it quickly and the place was much larger than I thought it was. When we arrived, I wondered how we were doing to find anyone. Eventually, while we were walking around, I heard, "Sheri, there's Sheri!" Then I knew we were in the right place.

This is the group from the Paxot area.

These were some brothers from one of the congregations.

This is Tomas and his wife Juana with six of their children. They were having a great time!

This is Gaspar and his wife Juana. Gaspar asked me to take a photo and it took him a few minutes to get the right pose for the camera :) The lady and the gentleman to the right are new members of the church in that area. They have 4 children and seemed to be enjoying the day.

Today, I met my new ABC Child and her name is Sandra. She lives in Xepocol and is 14 years old. I remember a couple of years ago that Gaspar told me of a terrible accident and that a lady was killed in it. This is the daughter of that lady. I have heard she is an excellant student and she seems really sharp. She was shy at first and I expected that.

Notice how after a few minutes she began smiling?

We made our way back to Chichi and it was good. Rebekah and Seth will spend the night at Santo Tomas Hotel. Fran will get settled into the small house behind me. We will keep you posted on our adventures!!

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