Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Only here.................................

This morning, Gaspar was still not feeling well enough to go with us to clinic. I, gracias a Dios, was feeling much, much better. The fever was gone and the only thing that remained was having to clear up some odd emails. So, if you received an email from me that was somewhat crazy, please let me know so I can correct it. It is amazing how medicine can make you feel so much better yet make you do odd things :)

Fran, Martina, Maury and I headed out to Xepol. We left Chichi about 0750. When we arrived close to Los Encuentros, we realized there was a problem.

This was the view we had while we sat for about 20 minutes. I tried to get around but was unable to. We were told that there was a manifestacion and the road would not clear til mid-morning. Sometimes there are demonstrations or blockages in the road for political reasons. Sometimes, you have no idea what the problem is and other times you think you may have an idea..............but you never know.

On the way home we saw a small procession due to the planing of the corn. The people marched with guitars and were singing. They also had incense and a small statue of Christ. This is a very special time of the year as the corn crops are so important. They hope for the right amount of rain and yet not too much. The right amount of sun and not too much to burn the crops up.

We went to the clinic in Lemoa and counted pills. When we were finished, I took the girls back to Chichi. Then Fran and I went to visit Magna in Quiche. We had a short visit but it was nice to see her.

Tomorrow, we are all headed to Toliman. We will have a staff meeting and then the board of HTI will be here for the Friday morning meeting.............................another adventure!!

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