Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Last clinic for Chuguexa in 2009

Juan, Jo Lee, Glenn, Neva and I traveled to Chuguexa this morning. We had a great drive. There was no fog or other problems and we arrived in plenty of time to set up the clinic.

This will be the last clinic for the year so I told Juan that we needed to talk to the person in charge of the clinic about continuing next year. We have had very little involvement of the members of the church and we are hoping to change that.

We carried things that we needed up to the clinic and began talking to one man as we waited for some patients. He stated that he would get some other men from the congregation and we could talk.

Juan explained in K'iche' what our concerns were and I interjected at times. I emphasised that we want to continue the clinic if they would participate and announce it more. I think there is a great need in this community.

We received the usual fear that if more advertising is done, some patients might not be seen. We talked through that. The clinic is the ministry of the local church and we need their involvement. There was a sense of enthusiasm before we ended the session. One of the gentleman gave Juan his phone number for a contact. We will call before a clinic for encouragement and to remind them to announce. We concluded with a prayer asking God for His blessing on the clinic and the local church.

Events like this are very exciting for me..........if there is more involvement from the members,the clinic will grow but more important, the patients will have contact with the Christians.

This mother brought her baby for another exam. This is her first baby and she is little nervous.

We had 7 patients and I think that 4 were diabetic. One gentleman usually has a glucose of 200-300. Today his blood sugar was 98!! I was so excited for him! He was at the clinic last month when we had our small class on nutrition. I hope he continues to do well.

We had a pregnant lady and Glenn was able to do some teaching. She was close to delivery and she may already be holding her baby :)

It was a great day and I am looking forward to the new year with Chuguexa!

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