Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tuesday Clinic

We started the day early with the surgery schedule full......

The photo below is of a little boy that had his cleft lip repaired. This photo is of his mother carrying him around on her back the day before his surgery.

This photo is taken the day after surgery. The change is remarkable and the swelling will reduce even more.
I heard from a few people about a lady bringing a very sick boy to the clinic last year. This story is even more touching because someone had left this child on the front porch of this lady's house. He had developed pneumonia, was very sick and she brought him to Clinica Ezell for treatment. This year she returned with him and he had his cleft palate repaired. The photo below is of Mary Ann holding Miguel as he sleeps. She remembers very well rocking him last year and giving the mother some much needed rest. The photo below is of the mother as she is packed and ready to take Miguel home. The lady to the left of the mom is Rosario. She is a nurse at Clinica Ezell and has organized and maintained the clinic very well. Miguel and his mom are from the Quiche area where I live.

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