Monday, July 24, 2017

Busting Clinic

We had a busting clinic in Lemoa but I loved every minute of it.  Now, that is not to say that I never get frustrated because I do.  Sometimes the language barrier affects that and sometimes it is due to patients not returning for several months.........but anyway, it was all good!

This is Hilda, who had her lip repaired last August.  Yesterday, when Kristi and I were in the market we ran into Hilda and her mother.  Kristi was in Montellano last year and remembers Hilda.  So, we will work her up for surgery and hope we can fit her into the schedule.

This is the leg of a young man that came to clinic today with an infected leg.  He says he does not know how it started but he has had it over a month and it continues to worsen.  We gave him two types of antibiotic and will see him again in two weeks.

Last Thursday, we saw a man that was very sad in Chichi.  He weighed only 88 pounds and had a severe urinary tract infection.  We treated him for that a got some labs.  I was very happy today to see him.  His labs were good, the swelling in his legs was much better, he has gained three pounds and his urine was normal.  Yes, I know we still have a way to go but his affect was much better and he appeared stronger.

We also saw a lady that was in the clinic four months ago but never returned.  The last clinic we had together, she found out she was pregnant and had a severe urinary tract infection.  In the mean time, she had gone to the health department because she thought she was having a miscarriage. They wanted her to go for an ultrasound but she never had one. Now, she is twenty-four weeks and we heard the strong heart of the baby.  She is thirty-seven years old and this is her FIRST baby.  The father was so excited, he had tears when we listened to the heart.  What a great story!

When we parked the truck we chatted with Lisa a few minutes and made our way to Chichi for dinner.  This rainbow greeted us and reminded us of what a great day it has been.  Gracias a Dios!!

Tomorrow, Kristi and I will head to Patzite with Martina, Aura, Tomas and Enrique.  I am sure we will have another adventure  :)


kmburns74 said...

It was a great day. The blessings by far outweighed the frustrations. The frustrations must seem bigger to you than to me because I'm just a bystander for 2 weeks. For you, this is years of hard work. You are one of the most tenacious people I know. Keep up the good work! Que Dios siempre bendiga sus esfuerzos.

Mom said...

Sheri, I pray that this baby will be healthy!!! Love your life!!!!!!