Thursday, May 16, 2013

Diabetes Class in Chichi

We have been trying for a long time to get the Diabetes Class happening in Chichi., we had the first class and I think it went well.

Cesar met me and helped set things up at the Church of Christ.  Sara and the promoters have been talking about the class to the patients for the last few weeks.

When it was time to start, there were only about 4 people but once we started, more arrived.  Better a little late, than not at all........right?

This was the first time that Cesar helped me with a class and he did a great job!  The first class, of three is usually the shortest class but the participation was wonderful! We went a full two hours.

I love questions for several reasons.  First, it shows that people are not sleeping on me! That has happened and it is not the best feeling.  But it also shows me that they are connecting with the material. The questions were great and Cesar really stayed focused.

We had 22 students and people seemed to enjoy it.  There were two people that had been through the classes in Lemoa and they returned today.  That is a good sign!
We have a date planned for the second class and I hope it goes as well.

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