Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Daybreak writing

Today was a day that I could use to catch up.  It was a good day.

I am still writing for the Daybreak devotional in North Carolina. This is one writing that I submitted a few months ago.  Prayer is important and vital to our life.  It is something that we can not live without.

Genesis 25:22-23
Sometimes when we think of people in The Bible, we forget  that they were also human.  They had  daily struggles, some were influential while others had no claim and all battled  in some way, in their relationship with God.   They were no different than us.

We know that Rebecca had her struggles.  She had a difficult pregnancy.  She prayed to God for understanding and for wisdom in Genesis 25:22.  In verse 23, God explained that she had two nations within her.  Now, how much of that do you think she fully understood???  Looking back, of course we can see the two different directions that  Esau and Jacob took.  

What we need to learn from Rebecca is that she  approached God.  She looked to God for answers.   In James 1:5, we are given direction.  When we need wisdom, we need to ask God.  Wisdom is not found in books, classes, hypnosis but it is given by God.  

We may not fully understand at the time we ask.  We usually want answers and results at the time we ask, or even before.  No, it is not easy.  The disciples did not understand everything about Jesus and yet they were with him every day.

Our responsibility is to go to God and remember that He knows best.  There is no better time than THIS moment, to approach our God in prayer.


Kemmel and Lisa Dunham said...

Great thought to start the day!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Shari for those thoughts. They really home for me this morning. I appreciate you so much. Dave M.

Cheryl said...

I think I mentioned this before, but I would love to read all your articles you have written and will write for Daybreak. How can I get these? Is there someone who can e-mail the daybreak to me? BTW loved this one. Miss you.