Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday in Chichi

This morning, I made my way to Quiche for worship.  The little lady that always sits in front, was not there again this morning. Her name is Mikaela and she has not been there since I have returned from The States.  I was going to ask someone about her before I left but they made an announcement about her before we closed.

Mikaela is at home and is very sick.  They wanted to take her to the hospital because they think she is dying but she wants to die at home.  Please remember her in your prayers.  This is Lisa, Mikaela and Kemmel at the last conference in Mactzul VI.

The lesson today was on the second coming of Christ. It was a very good lesson.  He talked about how people have always tried to predict when the world will end or when Christ will return but so far........none have been correct.  This is still very fresh in Mayan minds since their calendar ended in December 2012. 

The Bible tells us that no one knows when Christ will return, not even Christ or the angels.......but the promise remains that He will return. There are a lot of questions about this and many people like to get into deep discussions and even arguments about it but I don't think it is important.  God will have Christ return in His time and in His manner.  What DOES matter is, "Will I be ready?"

I have the opportunity to talk to patients about their relationship with God.  I talk with parents about their responsibility as parents, to teach their children about God.  If they wait too long, their children will not be interested.  Children need to be taught at a young age or later, they may not have any interest. 

Maybe we should spend more time in thinking, "If Christ returned today, would I be ready?  What do I want to be doing at the moment of His return?  Would I want the mountains to fall on me as the Bible mentions?"  Just more things for us to think about.............for His return is a promise.

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