Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday Clinic

Today, we had clinic in Lemoa and I only had one lady for a pap. I think that people are just getting ready for the end of the year. Everyone's schedule is very busy and as we know, healthcare falls to the bottom of the priority list.

After lunch, I went to visit Magda in Quiche. I had heard that she had attended a couple of church services last week. I wanted to follow up with her and see if she enjoyed it.

I can always tell when she opens the door how she feels. If she feels really good, she starts clapping her hands. If she has been sick or has fallen, she is very sad Today, was a very sad day.

We went into the kitchen and sat down to talk. She tells me that her heart is not good again and that she is very fatigued. I feel bad because I want to help her but there is nothing I can do. I just sit and listen as she tells me different stories. She does tell me that she really enjoyed the services at the church and that she will go with me on Sunday morning. he has not been with me for many months, so this is good. She enjoys being around people so getting out will be good for her.

She tells me that she sorry that she does not have any bread to offer me. Usually, we sit and drink coffee together and have a piece of bread. I tell her that I am fine but find out she has not had any bread for two days. She has not been strong enough to go to the market. She writes down what kind of bread she likes, since I do not know the names of them, and I go to her favorite bakery and buy her enough for a few days.

This is the sunset near my house today. The colors were beautiful.

Tomorrow, Josue and I will do clinic together in Chuguexa.

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