Thursday, October 18, 2012

Writing for Daybreak

The week has continued with clinics and different activities.  Paxot II and Mactzul VI will soon be having conferences.  We are preparing to begin the sex education classes since they have been welcomed in each of our communities.  There will be a large group with us in November for a few days, so Kemmel is busy preparing where we will have clinics.

A couple of moths ago, I started writing for a devotional booklet called, Daybreak.  It is published by different writers from the Churches of Christ in North Carolina.  Each month, we are given an assignment and asked to stay at 250 words.  Jude 24, was my first assignment and I wanted to share it with you.

Jude 24
As we mature, we often find  that the grandest gift is not always in the largest package.  Jude, while it is one of the shortest letters  in the Bible, it is packed with warning, promise and hope. It is advantageous, today, to read it with the same application as it was written.

Soon after creation, man thought he had a better plan than God.  Man continues to thinks he knows  best.  Jude warns of false teachers and doctrines.  Jude, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, knew that many would turn away from Godly teaching.  He encourages us to remain faithful.  

The only way for man to continue in faith is to know truth.  Notice the way that scripture is described in  Hebrews 4:12.  The scripture is living and active, it is sharp and divides, and it judges.  Truth is not passive.  

We receive robust warnings in Jude and equally strong are the promises and hope. Christ paid our debt on Calvary.  He was the supreme sacrifice.

In Jude 24, we are encouraged. Christ's  death, prevents us from falling.  His death, prevents our death.  God 's promises continue today, if we remain faithful.  One day we will be before Him, whole and complete, ready to enter eternity.  There is no greater hope!  No greater joy!

Let us daily encourage others, as Jude encourages us.

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