Thursday, September 8, 2011

Clinic in Lemoa

Today, we had clinic in Lemoa and the rains fell.......................

We had a busy day and that is good. There were 28 medical patients and 8 patients for dental cleaning.

After we got started, the first time I looked at my watch was 12:30 pm. I thought it was odd that no one had mentioned lunch. So, when I asked if we were going to eat, I found out that Maury and the guys had already ordered for me and I truly appreciated it.

We had a wide variety of patients. Some were diabetics, some were pregnant ladies and others with cough and respiratory problems.

One of my favorite diabetic patients visited today. When he first came to the clinic, his blood sugar was over 560. For the last several months, he has been 95-116. He feels so much better and is full of energy.

This mother brought her baby in and he was the last patient of the day. He has had diarrhea for several days so hopefully, we can get that under control.

We had rain all day and they skies were dark and gloomy. We waited until the rain slowed down enough to load the truck. Now we are ready for the next week.

Tomorrow, we head to Choacoman IV. I hope that the rains are kind enough to stop while we carry our equipment to clinic. Yeah.........that is a nice thought.

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