Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Class in the heart and the beatitudes

Today, was our education day in Lemoa and we had 15 people participate in the class. Ruben taught the class on the cardiac system. We talked about the circulation of the blood through the heart and the lungs. We talked about oxygenated blood and how it maintains life. It was a very good class and the health promoters enjoyed it.

As always, we started the class with prayer, songs of praise and reading some verses from the Bible that might pertain to the class.

The reading was from Matthew 5, where Jesus spoke to the crowds of people. He usually had many people following him and for different reasons. Sometimes they wanted to learn. Other times it was because they were hungry and wanted food, healing and other times they wanted to only criticize or condemn.

The question for us today is, "How do we apply the lessons of Christ to our lives?" The power of His words are the same today as when He spoke them. Application is the key. If we only read the Bible without application, it is nothing more than book of stories for us.

So, how can I show more compassion, show more mercy, be more pure? There are so many attitudes in these few verses that it can be overwhelming. Maybe, if I focused on one for a week. Just one. Really focused on it and repeated the verse several times a day.........maybe that would be a good reminder of how my heart should be. If the heart is right, so will be the actions and attitudes.

At the end of the day, I can say, "Yes, I am a good Christian." Maybe that is too general of a statement. Maybe it causes us to be too comfortable. Maybe we should me more specific in how we think.

Just a thought...............

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