Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Isaiah read in K'iche'

I wanted to follow-up with Lisa's blog on February 5th entitled, "Pray for the Priest." If you have a chance, please read the blog at

At the time of the consult with this gentleman, I did not realize he was a priest. I found that out later. During the conversation I knew that he was saying that for right now he did not want a part of Christianity because of the actions he sees in Christians. I may view his reasoning as excuses but to him, the hypocrisy he sees validates his views.

Lisa explained to him that The Church is a body of sinners who realize that they need the blood of Christ for continual cleansing. It is only through baptism that we can receive the blood and mercy that can make us whole again. Without mercy and love, we have no hope.

No one is perfect and others see our daily actions. It is just a reminder to Christians to attempt to live a life as Christ would live so we do not bring shame or cause others to turn away. As I said, no one is perfect but it is a reminder. I hope that Diego will change his mind and accept Christ. It is sad to think he would risk his soul because of actions he sees in others. We are continuing to pray for him.

When Lisa, Gaspar, Juan and I were in Choacaman IV, we made a video of Juan and Gaspar. The video was prepared for a special service at East Side Church of Christ in Colorado Springs. Juan started with a greeting to The Church and then Gaspar said he would be reading from Isaiah 58:8-10.

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