Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Driving to Mactzul VI

I met Gaspar in Chichicastenango and we proceeded to get Juan. We received a call stating that part of the road would be bad. When we reached that area, Gaspar told me there was no other road and that he was nervous to cross over. There was a "bridge" of logs that connected the road. Juan walked ahead of us as we crossed and everything was fine.

We parked the truck and honked the horn to signal the men from the Church. Three men arrived shortly and helped us carry our equipment for about a 15 minute walk.

The church building is very pretty. The third photo is a painting behind the pulpit. This photo shows only about half of the painting.

The last photo is of Psalm 23. This chapter of the Bible became significant as the day progressed.

One man came to the clinic today because he is having problems sleeping and is having bad thoughts at night. He can not concentrate and is very nervous. I asked Gaspar to read Psalm 23 in K'iche' for the man because he can not read.

Gaspar continued to talk to the man mostly in K'iche' but also some Spanish. During the reading the man began to smile and repeat some of the words. Then they talked about the significance of prayer and how it would help the man sleep at night. The man began to cry and say that he needed more faith........don't we all?

I asked him to return when we have clinic there again in November and I hope to hear that he is sleeping better.

The Lord is my shepherd............
Jeova es mi pastor........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice treatment choice. God is surely proud of your work!