Wednesday, July 3, 2013

More of Fort Myers.......and back in the groove

I am back in Chichi and getting back in the groove.  Lisa and Kemmel are in Guatemala City and will return this evening with a large group.  We will have three days of clinic together.

Here are a few photos that my dad took in Ft. Myers.  This large bird had just "plucked" this fish out of the ocean.  It was so large, that dad said that he had a hard time flying.

Here are two more photos of the dolphins that played with out cruise of Tin City.

I love the spray in this photo.

Dads new crab friend!  I love his little eyes!

Some of the pre-dinner conversation was how much sun I had got in Fort Myers.  Can you tell which is my arm and which is a Guatemalan arm??

The group arrived safely and we are always thankful for that.  We will have 3-4 clinics in different communities every day.  We pray that all goes well and that people will be open to what they see and  hear. I will have lots of stories and photos!

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