Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday in Montellano

Another full day is ahead of us!  Anderson Joel is the first baby back to surgery today.  As he is in surgery, his father and I waited, we also prayed.  In about 2 hours, Anderson was about ready to come out to the recovery area.  Anderson's dad continues to pray.

Anderson just a few minutes out of the OR.

Anderson's mom had returned to Chichi for the night to care for the other children.  When she returned, she cried, "My baby is so beautiful!!"  It was a very touching moment!

This is Sandra and Molly as they prepare more popsicles for the babies. They really enjoy them as their mouth or palate are sore after surgery.

Edison's surgery is planned for tomorrow.  He and his mom have been very patient so far.

Hector is doing well after his surgery yesterday. He and his mom enjoy the sun in the afternoon.  Hector is also enjoying a popcicle.

Hector came down to have his palate repaired.  Last year after his lip was done, he fell and has always had some problems with swelling.  During this surgery, they fixed his palate and also tried to help his lip again.

Margorie is known for always walking and exercising with the ladies.  She continued again this year.  She gives out beads after they complete their walking.

This is Yony before his surgery.

Yony a few minutes after his surgery.  His mother has the most pleasant personality.

Angelica, feeling much better after her surgery yesterday. Her mom was looking at the book with her.

What a content baby she is.

So far......so good!  Gracias a Dios!  We will continue tomorrow with more surgeries!

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