Tuesday, February 3, 2009

c'äx tew......hace frío........it is cold

OK, not matter what language you use...............the temperature was the same.......COLD!
K'iche' c'äx tew
Spanish hace frío
English it is cold

Marcos and I met Juan, Gaspar and Martina and we drove to Chutzurob. On our way, we passed a wedding that was near our clinic so we joked about not having any patients......but slowly, they arrived.

We had 20 patients for medical consult, 13 dental patients and 5 patient for dental cleaning.

There were two patients that were difficult situations. One was a 22 year old single female who has had trouble with nausea for about 2 months. She has not been feeling her best and does not have a lot of energy. Yes, she is pregnant. In the two years I have been here, this is only the third single lady who has tested positive. What made this situation even more difficult was her brother was translating for me and her grandmother was also sitting with us. When I returned with the news, I was not sure how everyone would respond. The patient's eyes became moist but she did not really cry. The brother and grandmother remained calm but I have a feeling things may have been different once everyone returned home.

The second was a baby that is only six weeks old. The grandmother brought this baby in because he cries a lot in the night. After we had talked to the grandmother a little, I asked where the mother was. The mother died just 4 days ago. She did not give us a lot of information but from what I understood the mother had not been sick. We talked to the grandmother for a long time since she is not a Christian. We talked to her about how important it is right now to have God in her life with the struggles she is having. Only God can provide the comfort and peace that she and her family need at this time. God wants that relationship with everyone and that is what we want to share.

I asked the people today if they have seen a change in The Church since we have been having clinics in the area. Sabastian, the gentleman helping me said, "Oh yes, the clinics have helped strengthen The Church alot!" Hearing that made my day! I really enjoy the clinic in this area and I pray The Church continues to grow...........gracias a dios.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hi Sheri . I can't remember how I found your blog but I just wanted to say that I love it. Thanks for the work that you do in Guatemala :)