Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday in Santa Cruz

Today was a day to catch up on many things. I signed up for two new classes online, bought firewood, answered emails, loaded some programs on my new laptop and then headed down the street for worship at 4pm. Two weeks ago, I was 30 minutes late because there are so many different times that congregations start. Today, I was talking online with Brett at 3:30 and told him I was sorry but had to go because it was not good when the gringa was late :)

I know another thing I will try my best not to do........... to fall asleep during the service. Today there was a strict patrol man.......we walked through the aisles jolting people awake if they nodded off........then made them stand up! I felt terrible for this one older gentleman......he had his eyes closed, practically got knocked off his chair and then was told to stand. Not in my eyes is this the best way to encourage people to attend.

Many things changed in Santa Cruz while I was at the coast last week. An appliance store is now selling motorcycles, an internet cafe has turned into a construction store and a paint store sold out to a small cafe.

I heard today that Baby Diego will see Josefina in clinic tomorrow. Josefina will be expecting him and I am looking forward to the clinic in April.

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