Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday..........road update

This morning, I wanted to see how hard it would be to get to Santa Cruz.  I wanted to go there this morning because usually in the evenings, it has been raining so hard.

The message was a very good one.  He asked us what is important to us in our life.  He talked mainly about how technology has become so very important to people.  That as people are watching television, they barely notice when someone comes in the room and starts speaking.  He talked about how people constantly look at their phones and text, again not realizing when people are around.

So, do we spend more time talking on our phones, texting, watching television or using our computers more than we do other things? How much time a day do we spend time reading the Bible, praying or being concerned with issues of the church?  Something that I think we can all learn from.

When I came back home, I got some photos of the other side of the collapsed highway. 

They have dug a new drainage area, laid plastic inside and are getting ready to pour cement.

A view of the collapsed highway from the other side.

As I took this photo, I realize how things have changed since the road first collapsed.  People are just getting use to it.  There are no policemen, no firemen, no one watching out for further damage.  There are even young people sitting on the edge!  This could lead into another sermon................humans just become numb, unconcerned and complacent. 

We will see what the week has in store for us!

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